Chapter 4 – Existent Good Practice Instruments

Training for Adults “Ekokreacje” – Creative Recycling Workshops

This good practice is from Poland and it is a training for adult residents of the Kościerzyna poviat introducing the secrets of up-cycling – forms of recycling, which results in handmade products with a higher value than before. Up-cycling is not only a pleasure, but above all, it significantly reduces the consumption of raw materials for the production of artistic objects, as well as reduces the amount of waste.

The methodology used was a combination of workshops and lectures covering waste management and upcycling techniques.

Expected outcome:

The training resulted in an increase in participants’ awareness of waste management. Beautiful trinkets were created, which quality and appearance do not differ from those bought in the store. Participants realized how dangerous excessive consumerism is, both socially, ecologically and in terms of intellectual development